To Julia from our families, and Julia's bio:
""I want to thank you for the fun we had in class on Wednesday. My daughter asked me today if we were going to class after school, and was upset that we didn't have it again today! She sings all the time now, and my son does too. I think that the way you keep the kids involved and the pace of the class is great - you really put a lot of thought into it. I also love how respectful, loving and joyful you are with the children." S. C.
"Julia's teaching style is warm and engaging. Her knowledge of child development and music is apparent in her ability to both entertain and teach the children and adults. Both my girls are extremely enthusiastic about our time together making music." D. B.
""A__ was so excited when I re-registered,that he ran to his instrument basket, pulled out the accordion, and started dancing around the house." Y. K., returning for our fourth semester.
Julia has been teaching Music Together in the East Bay area since 2002. She is a registered Music Together teacher and has also been awarded Certification Level 1 and Level 2, for demonstrated achievement in musicianship, movement, parent education, and teaching the Music Together program.These awards were granted by the Center for Music and Young Children in Princeton, NJ, Kenneth Guilmartin, Founder/Director.Try turning your phone sideways for more detail...
Tuition for all Music Together classes includes family materials to use at home (e.g., recordings of our award-winning music, illustrated songbook, parent education resources). See individual class type pages for details.
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